Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Marketing Management - SFA

Insurance Lead Management, CRM, SFA are part of any agency management software. We talked about Marketing Operation Management, Marketing Resource Management and Marketing Management. Today we continue our talk on marketing management.

Vispy Doctor of Ormax (www.ormaxworld.com) , India's leading marketing strategy expert, defines marketing management as applying available resources to create or change the perception of a product or service in the eyes of its target audience by the application of research and communication media.

In the widely used text Marketing Management (2006), Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller define marketing management as "the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value."

From this perspective, the scope of marketing management is quite broad. The implication of such a definition is that any activity or resource the firm uses to acquire customers and manage the company's relationships with them is within the purview of marketing management. Additionally, the Kotler and Keller definition encompasses both the development of new products and services and their delivery to customers.

we continue our talk on marketing management in next post.

ref: agency management system, insurance software, wikipedia


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