Monday, November 26, 2007

Lead Distribution - Lead Management Architecture

Leadorganizer and Lead Management software , we talk about linear lead flow process in our first post and in second post we talk about Lead Generation and Lead Acquisition and Distribution as lead managment software. To continue our talk about leadorganizer and lead management software with reference to our lead flow, we talk about Marketing & Sales Operations and also Communications and Analytics as important part of leadorganizer and lead management flow.

Today we are going to talk about Lead Distribution as part of leadorganizer and lead management software architecture or lead flow.

Lead Distribution

As larger vendors work with partner organizations such as distributors (see distribution (business)), resellers, brokers and other channel partners, those vendors often distribute leads to their respective partners to provide a local contact to those prospects and also 'feed' partners with new business opportunities. Today there are two major methods for distributing sales leads to partners: Push or Pull.

PUSH The push method sends leads to specific partners assuming that those partners will follow up and work on those leads. The challenge with 'push' is the fact that oftentimes the local sales people may not be able to react immediately for various reasons: not available, busy, on vacation... Many large vendors report disappointment when asked about their lead follow-up rate through partners after the leads where pushed out to those partners.

Pull The pull method was invented and patented by a German Engineer, Axel Schultze, who was frustrated with the lead follow up results of the push method and decided to let the available and motivated sales people 'pull' leads from an online available system. Patent was granted by the US Patent Office in May 2006.

The pull method became widely accepted in the high tech industry where thousands of resellers from companies including Avaya, Nortel, Juniper and others distributed leads that way. The PULL Method became superior over the PUSH method, and lead closure rates grew on average by 300% as white papers from BlueRoads indicate.

Ref: Lead Distribution Software, wikipedia

Friday, November 23, 2007

Communications and Analytics - Lead Management Architecture

Leadorganizer and Lead Management software talk, we talk about linear lead flow process in our first post and in second talk we talk about Lead Generation and Lead Acquisition and Distribution as lead managment software. To continue our talk about leadorganizer and lead management software with reference to our lead flow. We talk about Marketing & Sales Operations in last past. Here we talk about Communications and Analytics as important part of leadorganizer and lead management flow.

Communications is the center piece of the lead management architecture. The communications functions should include the intelligent sourcing of call information for sales professionals to make telephone contact. This is obviously fundamental; however, more subtle, but equally important is the ability to maintain ongoing nurturing communications that cultivate a lead into a future sales. This cultivating architecture typically comes in the form of some type of email campaign architecture.

The analytics architecture is probably the most critical piece of an effective lead management system. This portion of the architecture allows for the dynamic review and analysis of lead actions, marketing channels, and sales performance. Information that can assist in the business decisions that improve production and ROI.

ref: leadorganizer and lead management software, wikipidia

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Lead Management Architecture

Leadorganizer and Lead Management software talk, we talk about linear lead flow process in our first post and in second talk we talk about Lead Generation and Lead Acquisition and Distribution as lead managment software.
Today we continue our talk about leadorganizer and lead management software with reference to our lead flow. we talk about Marketing & Sales Operations.

Ultimately the customer of any leadorganizer or lead management system or methodology is the marketing and sales operations. It is the connectivity and accountability between those two operational units. It is also the connectivity that enhances the effectiveness of both operations.

The architectural relationship is much akin to the order carousel in a short order diner. This carousel is the communication and accountability between the waiter and the cook. Without this simple coordination orders would be lost, prepared incorrectly, or prepared in random order missing the expectations of the customer.

This analogy is very relevant to the architectural foundation creating efficiency and accountability between marketing and sales activities. If implemented correctly, the lead management system will complete a loop from lead generation, to prioritization, to distribution, to final disposition, and back to re-calibrate lead generation.

For marketing, this portion of the architecture primarily manages the analytics of the lead generation, distribution, and disposition. For sales, the architecture provides the means to receive leads and account for the actions taken on them throughout the sales process

ref: wikipidia , lead managem software

Friday, November 16, 2007

Leadorganizer-Lead Management Software-2

Leadorganizer and Lead Management we understand in our last talk. Today we talk about Lead Management Architecture.A Lead Management Architecture is consist of following things.

Lead Generation

Generating a lead, or lead generation can relate to a myriad of marketing technologies and methodologies. However, from an architectural perspective it is simply the ability to attract the interest of a consumer and capture sufficient data to understand the consumer's inquiry and contact that consumer regarding the inquiry.

Lead Acquisition and Distribution

This is arguably one of the most critical functions in the lead management architecture. Its importance is linked to the relevance and responsiveness of the customer experience. A consumer generally uses the Internet and makes Internet inquiries for products and services out of a desire for convenience and efficiency of their time. Consequently, they expect a response and timeliness of the response. If the acquisition and distribution is not effective the consumer will experience neither.

The lead acquisition architecture generally consist of a web form to collect consumer data, a database to either temporarily or persistently store that collected information for subsequent distribution.

The distribution architecture can vary in complex depending upon the objective of the lead generation. Generation for the purpose of selling the inquiry would typically include a methodology for selecting one or more buyers and then transmitting the lead via a variety of potential means, like: XML, named-value pairs, fax, email, telephone. In the case of leads generated for an organization's own use it may simply consist of a web page to render the contents of the leads database or a simple email action from the Web form itself.

The Lead distribution Automatically route or distribute leads to the right agent in your team based on a set of configurable assignment rules such geography, health information, product interest, revenue potential, and others. This will help sales team to get qualified leads and reduce manual assignment.

Leadorganizer, Lead Management and Lead Management Architecture, we talk on this more in next post.

ref: Leadorganizer, wikipedia

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Leadorganizer-Lead Management Software-1

Leadorganizer as Lead Management Software we have to talk here. Before we go to as Lead management software, let us understand what is Lead Management first. I found follow notes at

Lead management creates an orderly architecture for managing large volumes of customer inquiries, or leads. The architecture must be able to organize numerous leads, at various stages of a sales process, across a distributed sales force. In order to understand this process it is helpful to examine a simplified linear lead flow process, such as the following:

The lead flow process can become enormously complex as customers and sales professionals begin to interact. These various interactions and subsequent actions can create a variety of scenarios, both productive and counter-productive. This exponential number of scenarios can provide for numerous opportunities to mishandle leads in such a way as to reduce their value. Managing these scenarios is the function of lead management.